Ryan's 19 mths today and mummy just got to tell you something funny which happened last night while he was sleeping...
Mummy woke up in the middle of the night to find Ryan missing from the mattress!!! Hhmmm...where did the rascal go? Hahaha! Apparently, Ryan had rolled off the mattress onto a thinner mattress and seemed pretty comfortable lying on his tummy! Mummy wasn't about to lift him off the bed to move him back onto the mattress in case he awoke and started wailing! So I simply left him as he was and went back to sleep...
Mummy's sleep was obviously pretty shortlived as the little one awoke next to me and wanted his milk feed...sigh! When will he EVER stop needing his 'middle of night' feed??
Ok, what mistake did mummy commit?? Well, in my 8 years of good driving record, I have never EVER had any accident, etc... but today, mummy stupidly scratched the side of the car whilst reversing into a carpark lot at IMM!!! It was a darn SCARY experience as I was seriously at a loss of what to do as the door came into contact with the stupid pillar!!! My heart almost skipped a beat and I thought that was the end!!! Daddy's bound to skin me alive!! Oh dear!
Anyway, I dropped the bombshell on daddy in the evening via skype and he was a little upset but he eventually said 'never mind' and told me to be more careful in future... Whew! I thought he was going to scream and blame me! Thank you hoo-b for not nagging and blaming me! You're the best!!!
Let's check out the damage... not very clear though...
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