Monday, October 09, 2006

ryan's prebirth journey :: Jan 21 2006, 12:46 PM ::

This is 3 days overdue again! Hahah…been very busy with work lately. We went to see lc cheng on Wednesday for our fortnitely checkup now…veron was down wif stomach flu for the entire week and couldn’t eat much, I was terribly worried for her and our lil boy. Rod gave her 2 days mc from mon to tues and then lc cheng gave her another 3 days to rest at home. Her appetite is back on track today and eating like a cow again! Hahahha….they did a blood test for her again and lc cheng said the blood test results were excellent and glucose level was low, prob due to not eating much prior to the visit. Once again, he checked our lil boy and everything was fine, we were so relieved! Then we went to fix the next appt due in 2 weeks which will be the detailed scan again and then to see lc cheng. We are so excited to see our lil boy up close and personal again! Hahaha…we have already more or less done up the décor of our lil boy’s room. Stuck up some of the sesame street and other cartoon posters. Guess we have to wash boy’s clothes soon, plan to wash at least 2 to 3 times before he wears them. We finally completed our antenatal class as well last Sunday and we also bought a “childcare” book from mrs wong and the contents are great! There are still quite a few things we need to buy for our boy, so we plan to go JL tomm and complete our list!

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