Saturday, June 09, 2007

Such a lucky day!

Thursday 7th June 2007

Mummy had to go to sch today for band and prelim oral exams…baby ryan got to go out jalan with the rest of the gang again because 'teh teh' was on leave again! The jalan queen mummy missed her chance of going out with them and was instead stuck in school with her 4A boys who were ever sooo irritating!!

Anyway, the gang went to novena square and then to united square for the Pokemon performance that was going on! I'm guessing it's more for Ian coz he's a fanatic lah! Gong gong took pics of them with the Pokemon characters on stage and I believe that ryan was pretty amused though I'm sure he must be wondering what those funny looking creatures were!

After that, it was time to head to the toy store 'TOYS'R'US' for some toys! Gong gong had STRUCK LOTTERY (2nd prize) the day before as he had bet on the bicycles' numbers and it was time for the children to enjoy their treat! Amazing huh? Trust gong gong to be able to sequence the numbers so accurately! As usual, spoilt rascal Ryan got the most toys from his 'best friend, teh teh' which included a small minnie mouse helium balloon on a stick, a spiderman which was close to Ryan's height and a keyboard which had a microphone attached to it as well! Gor gor only had a DIY praying antis to assemble and if I remember correctly, jie jie didn't want (or was it, get) anything!

When the gang got home, everyone seemed satisfied except Yas who had to lug the keyboard which looked pretty cumbersome in a big box!

I believe it was another enjoyable day out for the children with their doting, most pampering mama and gong gong! Again, daddy missed out on the fun as he had to slog for the family! Till mummy blogs again!

*mummy's been blogging coz she's on hols, remember?*

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