Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dinner with mummy's friends

19th October 2007

Mummy met up with her girl friends this evening for dinner and the little one got to join in as well...

Auntie Gerardine, Huimin and pretty jie jie Nat decided to dine at Din Tai Fung Paragon and Ryan got to have a variety of our food for his supper...well, he already had his dinner at home at around 4plus so yup, this should be considered supper! Haha!

It was really good that jie jie Nat was around as Ryan seemed to be entertained by her and even auntie Gerardine felt that it was good that both of them had each other for company!

Dinner was a little disruptive, all thanks to Ryan, but we coped fine... I think I have auntie Huimin (aka my maid) to thank for helping me out during dinner! Hehehe! She's going to be a fantastic mum, I tell you!

Anyway, it was pretty cute seeing Ryan so attached to his jie jie so quickly at the dinner table...

Why I say attached??

Well, jie jie Nat wanted to go to the toilet during dinner and so on her way out, the little one couldn't bear for her to leave and stretched out his hand and started calling 'Jie Jie!' pretty loudly! Auntie Huimin and I were obviously amused by his actions!

Well, I'm glad that he enjoyed jie jie's company last night!

Auntie Meiling only joined us later and we headed to the NYDC outside the Heeren for some dessert..mmmm...mummy had some brownie freeze thingy was *slurp* super sinful!!!

Yup! Mummy needs to exercise! Sigh...but I wonder if I'll ever be disciplined to even start!

My only form of exercise currently?

SHOPPING!!! Haha! The most enjoyable but most expensive of course!!

I'm pretty sure daddy dreads hearing this word since mummy's really GOOD at her only form of exercise! Hahahahahaha!

Anyway, take a look at the pics I took of the 2 children at the dinner table...

Yup! I'm pretty sure the both of them had a good time last night!

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