Saturday, August 11, 2007

NDP at mummy's school...

8th August 2007

It's a day before National Day and mummy's having a short day today because of National Day celebrations...

mummy was contemplating 2 options yesterday:

1. If Ryan's asleep when mummy's about to leave for school, good! We'll leave him in dreamland with daddy at home.

2. If Ryan's awake (not surprising!), mummy will lug him to school to join in the celebrations! Haha!

Mummy was praying that ryan would be asleep so she needn't lug him but...

It was going according to plan 1 when...

a STUPID, DISGUSTING cockroach had to appear in mummy's room on the floor as she came out from the toilet! Was contemplating whacking the gross creature with newspaper but figured that I'd better let daddy know that Ryan would definitely wake up!

Daddy awoke and took over the grotesque job and yes, Ryan woke up! Sigh...mummy obviously was left with option no. 2.

Drove Ryan to school and of course, he was decked in red and white as mummy was! Such a cute little sight to behold I must say!

Busy little rascal enjoyed himself in the staffroom, playing with the red and white balloons that Auntie Aida had conveniently left behind! Ryan also explored the staffroom on his own and was busy meddling with things belonging to mummy's colleagues! Oh my!
Look at the rascal having a ball of a time...

Here's Ryan looking with curiosity at the computer...

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