Saturday, September 29, 2007

And the bully strikes...

27th September 2007

It's the best day of the week where mummy's going to head down to the Isetan Private Sale after school today with her colleagues...

Just as mummy was on the way to the sale, ah-ma called...

"Your son ah! So naughty! I'm so angry with him! He took the alarm clock and threw it at baby Ethan while I was wiping and changing the little helpless one!"

Mummy's heart stopped for a moment as I thought of what jiu jiu and jiu ma would do or say when they heard what had happened to their little prince! Oh my! The trouble my little rascal would be in this time!

Ah-ma told me she was so furious that she scolded ryan harshly and then caned him as well...poor little fella! But seriously, he needs to be taught a lesson for all those countless times he's thrown things as and when he felt like it!

The only consolation mummy got was that di di didn't have a bruise on his forehead! Phew!

Jiu Jiu and Jiu Ma too didn't seem angry about it so ... thank goodness!

I'm just praying that Ryan learns his lesson and stops his wilful moods!

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