Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Learning to feed himself...

16th September 2007

Sunday morning and as usual, first to church then to go about our plans for the day.

Schedule was as follows:

1. 10am mass

2. Followed by breakfast

3. Headed to Rivervale Condo for mummy's godparents' grand-daughter's 1st mth celebration

4. Left at around 2plus-3pm for Sungei Kadut where we went bed-hunting for the little one (mummy's figured that it's time Ryan has his own bed and we bought the kind where there was another pull-out mattress which mummy was going to sleep on to train him)

Anyway, at the 1st month celebration, Ryan was trying to imitate Gor Gor Gabriel when he saw him attempting to eat on his own.

Yup! My boy wants to feed himself! Haha!
Here's the evidence...

Easy does it...just look at my boy!

There! All into my mouth! Easy!

Ah-ma wasn't too pleased with what Ryan wanted to do though...she didn't want Ryan to make a mess and dirty himself in the process!

Well, it IS about time Ryan actually learns to self-feed...he is close to 18mths you know!

BED-HUNTING was successful but I'm guessing that all that zipping in and out of the car and into the showroom proved too much for the little one after all...

Yup! The poor little fella fell ill that night and was running a fever! That dreaded fever was back and mummy and daddy weren't going to take any chances now...nope...all that sponging (no matter how much he was yelling) HAD TO BE DONE!

We're praying that Ryan recovers FAST!

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