Saturday, September 29, 2007 new bed!

22nd September 2007

Ryan's new bed arrived this late morning and mummy had been laboriously clearing the room whilst daddy was busy at the office...

There were lots of things to remove and destroy in the process of clearing and mummy's glad that Ryan's room now looks fit for a person to stay in, rather than it being a store room!

Hhmmm...Mummy even discovered a dead cockroach (thank goodness it was DEAD!) behind Ryan's small cupboard and it was a pretty disgusting sight with all that lumps of dust next to it as well! Eeew!

Anyway, the bed was in perfect condition when it arrived and Ryan made himself comfortable once mummy had put on the new 'pirates theme' sheets she had bought.

There he is with mummy on his new, clean bed!

Ryan was also determined to ensure that the room belonged to him and only him so...

Today is also the mid-autumn fest and there was a celebration going on next to the temple downstairs which seemed like a large scale one with some minister being invited as the usual, along with such occasions was the usual and seemingly boring rendition of the chinese song, 'lao su ai da mi'...I'm guessing that song will forever remain etched in my mind for the countless times I heard it just being sung downstairs whenever there is some sort of event going on!

Anyway, I brought Ryan down with his grandparents to join in the fun along the canal where there seemed to be a light up of numerous lanterns by the residents...actually a pretty romantic sight if not for the boisterous chatter and laughter contributed by the children.

Yup, there's the little one with his traditional red lantern which mummy managed to find while clearing Ryan's room.

Ryan with his grandparents

and then with his mummy dearest in a rather unglam shot though!

Only thing missing was that elusive mooncake which... daddy and I don't really fancy anyway! Haha!

Note that there is a massive difference in the quality of the pictures taken in the day at home and outdoors? Well, mummy had no choice but to use her lousy handphone camera (2.0 mega pixels) because she wasn't expecting to take pics downstairs...

Compare those taken with my Sony 7.2 mega pixels cam? Yup, worlds apart!

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